Tuesday, July 26, 2011

These are things I saw today:

He has trouble with the salt shaker and difficulty walking and appears to be alone

She is in a wheelchair as he walks by her side

he has a brain tumor and his wife [a survivor of liver cancer herself says he talks nonstop to relieve his anxiety]

They have to drive an hour and a half each way everyday to come to their 15 minute appointment in the radiation department

He has another tumor in a different part of his brain after he thought had beaten it last year with surgery and radiation and chemo, he is back doing radiation again for 5 more weeks

They are 9 hours from home.

I felt compassion for each situation and I prayed for each one.  They keep their defenses up pretty securely though they almost all admit God is good, one thinks that God really isn't interested in all the details.  Several listen as we share that we think God is interested and involved in every nuance of our lives.

There are times when we feel very vulnerable but there are other times, like these, when we rest in the confidence of God's right hand.  "Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands [Is 49:16a]

I choose to be thankful...
For the jitney driver, who, though the shuttle was full got us a cab which the hotel paid for this morning

That though they were very late getting to Gene's treatment today we still made the return jitney ride on time and thus didn't have to wait another hour in the hospital waiting area.

 The hotel has a detergent dispenser, a washer and dryer that all work and that it only cost $3 to do a complete load of laundry

We found a visitation room for hospital patients only, to give us a little variety in our view today.
It has a stair stepper, a TV and VCR player, a microwave as well as being more spacious than our room. Some tables for card games and a computer.

Things are getting a little more familiar to us.

and that is just the thankfuls for today.

Prayer requests ....that the side effects of one anti-nausea drug would be relieved
                           ..... That we would be able to connect with Dr Sharfman about the chemotherapy
                           ......[a selfish one] that we would figure out the VCR so we could watch a movie of our                                     choosing without commercials!


Barbara said...

I am thankful for you !
Isaiah 40:31

Anonymous said...

Jaon, I read this today and it really hit home for me. I hope you like it and Gene too. Sending much love your way ~Liza

Devotion: When We Feel Abandoned, Rely on Faith Not Feelings

“You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me.” (Psalm 139:5)

Have you ever felt alone? I mean completely alone.

Abandoned. Lost. Forlorn.

I know that the isolating feelings that comes from facing my challenges sometimes leaves me feeling as if I am in the depths of some tremendous void. I have felt that no one understands. I have felt left behind as family and friends can go and do things I cannot. Their lives are moving forward. Mine is, at best, at a standstill. That leaves me feeling completely and utterly alone and often misunderstood.

I have had misguided folks tell me I need to look for sin in my life. I have had others say that I simply don’t have enough faith. To be honest, those types of comments make me want to run and hide.

Then I read a verse like this one. God has me enclosed. He is in front of me. He is behind me. He has His hand on me. I may feel as if I am alone and lost, but God tells me that He is always with me–and not only with me – but surrounding me, enclosing me, holding me. I cannot get away from Him, even if I tried.

The Psalm continues:

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.(v. 7-10)

Oh, dear reader, how I need these words. I need to know God is not only “out there” somewhere–but that He is here. . . now. . .holding me, loving me, protecting me. Ever present. He offers that to You, as well.

Kristine Meier-Skiff said...

I second Barbara. I'm very thankful for you and your family.