Thursday, October 27, 2011

31derful Days of Thanksgiving .....Day # 27

I have been thankful all year for the thing I mention tonight.  Bible Gateway  is a wonderful resource for scripture reading, study or research.  Lots of versions so you can read from your favorite, or copy and paste from several versions to compare and contrast.  Online so you do not have to go get your bible and so you can save your spot from day to day.

This year I resolved read through my bible in it's entirety.  but this year I am making it!  Due in part to it being right in front of me when I sit down at the computer.  I'll admit I got behind when Gene was so desperately ill but I plugged away at it and succeeded in catching up with the group.

The group is a facebook group "Read through the Bible in a Year" [enter it in the search bar on facebook] that sends daily reminders of the date and where today's reading is located.  It would be nice if you could just click and be there and then choose which version you want to read from but what they send, a reminder, is good!  You can join in the discussion or make comments if desired and they do ask you to check in every once in a while to say you are reading on target.

It is helping me successful where I have fallen so many other years.  I have a goal chosen already for next year to do it again but from a chronological bible.  I may get this organized through "you version" but I am not sure yet.

Who could have know but God Himself what this year was to bring.  I am so glad I have been focused on reading His word.  Gene and I were reading together while we were in Baltimore and that was fun.

For God's Word   and for reading it  I am .....Thankful...Every ....Day!

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