Monday, July 11, 2011

More of the True and the Real

I told you how God spoke to me and told me that, "Gene Adkins is going to date you" and I had told satan not to taunt me with romantic relationships and then three weeks had gone by.

Please do not doubt me [most people do] but I truly DID NOT think of it again.  I continued in my busy life, the one I decided to live fully instead of waiting for that non-existent romantic relationship to arrive and THEN begin to live.  I continued to swim daily at the YMCA, I had rented a piano and continued my "older beginner" piano lessons and I absolutely loved taking Hebrew language classes.  All the while working full time on the 3-11 shift as an RN.  I continued to be active in Living Stones Church attending bible study on Tuesday evenings and every service I was not working.  I taught Sunday School.  I lived!

Then three Sundays after that odd communication that I knew was something spiritual, after the service, being that I was off from work I made a quick plan to come to my Hebrew teacher's home for a leftovers from Thanksgiving meal, he went to call his wife to confirm an open invitation and Gene approached me at the back of the church.  In classic Eastern Shore style he said, "Sister Joanie can I carry to to English's?"  What a fun idea, dinner in a restaurant vs inviting myself to a friend's house!  I'd like that!  And immediately the words flooded back into my mind....Gene Adkins is going to date you.......I switched plans and Gene drove me to the local diner.  I ate fish so as to impress him in my healthy eating habits.  He ate beef and dumplings, a favorite to this day!  We ended up spending the entire day together with friends and then back to church that evening.  Now, however, there was a change, instead of him sitting on the back row and me sitting on the front row we sat together in the middle on "his side" of the aisle!  Don't you think the tongues began to wag?  We could feel them!

A group of us went out for donuts after church and Gene was very worried about the air pressure in my car's tire so he fixed that and we parted.  No promises, but yet there was a remembering of the summer just past when I had prayed and prayed what to do with my life and had settled on go to Oklahoma, attending ORU and attain my BS in nursing and work at the City of Faith hospital.  I had visited, been accepted to school and been hired at City of Faith, gotten a leave of absence from my job and an OK nursing licence.  The final step was to sell the car to get the moving money and fly to OK.  As my pastor had instructed, prepare everything, rattle every doorknob, and then pray and pray hard until God gives you an answer. I had been on my knees praying hard when God answered.  He said, "Do not sell the car"......what kind of an answer was that?  but I had not sold the car and now just 3 months later something new was happening.

4 months later we had been married for a week! and next time I share part of this story it will be the discovery of what God said to Gene and when he said it and why time went by before the date at English's happened!

I am Thankful .......Every........... Day!

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